Beach Lessons Part 2
I learn lessons and hear from the Father everywhere. If you read in my first post, Lessons on the Beach with Harper, I talked about how much our family loves the beach and we try to make an effort to...
View ArticleSugar Detox- Day 1
HEY!!! Welcome on our journey with us!! Cindy and I are excited to walk you through our process of exploring and completing the 21 Day Sugar Detox plan. Cindy is going to blog through the journey as I...
View ArticleSugar Detox- Days 2 & 3
Day 2 was rough w/ headaches for JB and low energy for me, but Day 3 has been oh so much better! The difference? Eating consistently, keep that blood sugar level and life goes smoother :). Here’s a...
View ArticleMilk Part 2: Raw vs. Pasteurized
The last post I did on milk I talked about the history of milk. In this post we’re going to really talk about the benefits of milk….REAL milk. Not what you buy in the stores that has hardly any...
View ArticleThe day my passion died…..
My entire life (and my family will attest to this) I’ve been a very passionate person. About pretty much everything. I’ve always said to people, “I don’t care what you do, just be passionate about...
View Article“Stress Stress, Go Away!”
We hear so much about stress these days that it really gets to sound like the teacher on Charlie Brown: “Waaa, Waaa, Waaa” But the effects of stress are really so detrimental to our bodies that I...
View Article“Busy Person’s Fitness Solution” by Kevin Gianni
So my biggest excuse for the past few months as to why I haven’t been working out or doing some sort of exercise is “I don’t have enough time”. With my schedule and with Cindy’s schedule, we don’t...
View ArticleBabywearing: Completely natural? Or is it just a fad?
One of the fastest growing industries in the past few years has been around the concept of babywearing. Babywearing is centered around the belief that wearing your baby close to your body after birth...
View ArticleBabywearing options: Pouch slings, Ring Slings, and Asian-Style Carriers
After this post hopefully you won’t be more scared than you were to start about the prospect of trying babywearing for you and your newborn or toddler! Ok, so I think the best way for me to do this is...
View ArticleGerms vs Environment: Is it the bugs making us sick? Or is it us?
“Suzie, make sure and wash your hands!” “Johnny, don’t go near him because he’s sick, you don’t want to get his germs!” ”Betsy, my goodness! Cover your mouth when you cough, we don’t want your germs!”...
View Article“Stress Stress, Go Away!”
We hear so much about stress these days that it really gets to sound like the teacher on Charlie Brown: “Waaa, Waaa, Waaa” But the effects of stress are really so detrimental to our bodies that I...
View ArticleStress Part 2: Physical Stress
Ok, so the easiest type of stress to start with in the triangle is Physical Stress. This post won’t be long because it’s very simple…when we don’t take care of our physical body, it breaks down!!...
View ArticleStress Part 3: Chemical Stressors
So we covered the physical stressors that happen to us and start us down the road of degeneration and accelerated aging. Now we need to cover the next type of stressor that will veer us off of our...
View Article“I need nutrients pllleease HELP!”
In my post “The Cause of ALL Disease” we talked about Deficiency being one of the biggest causes of sickness and illness in the world, but especially in America today. Let’s go through the Top 10...
View ArticleTop 10 Deficiencies continued…..
Ok, so let’s continue going through the last five in the Top 10 Deficiencies list. Deficiency #6: Folic Acid (B9), B6, B12 Deficiencies in B-vitamins can cause an entire host of problems, but the main...
View ArticleOmega 3 Fats: What’s the big deal?
So unless you’ve been living in a remote cave on a deserted island for the past several years, you’ve heard or seen adds and reports on why you should be taking Omega-3 fats. Even medical doctors (who...
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